Item Subcategories

<a href=" Item" class="display-subcategory">NB Item</a>

NB Item

These items are exclusive to the yearly New Beginnings event.

<a href=" Item" class="display-subcategory">HW Item</a>

HW Item

These items are exclusive to the yearly Halloween event.

<a href=" Proficiency Book" class="display-subcategory">Exclusive Proficiency Book</a>

Exclusive Proficiency Book

These special element books are reserved for events, and can rarely be found in Uzu's shop.

<a href=" Ticket" class="display-subcategory">VIP Ticket</a>

VIP Ticket

These tickets let you claim a custom of your very own, designed by CH3RVB!

These items don't function like normal MYOs and must be turned in for a custom.

<a href=" Ticket" class="display-subcategory">MYO Ticket</a>

MYO Ticket

Scarce species are those of limited numbers, and are further regulated. These are similar to Closed Species, and cannot be made without a proper item, MYO, or permission. You can easily get one through participation, and you can have as many as you like provided you worked for them!

These tickets allow you to make Scarce species, as well as Plentiful Species. The traits you are allowed to use depend on the rarity of your ticket.

<a href=" Ticket" class="display-subcategory">Special Ticket</a>

Special Ticket

These tickets are not obtainable normally and are reserved for special events, raffles, and the like.

<a href=" Item" class="display-subcategory">Noel Item</a>

Noel Item

These items are exclusive to the yearly Christmas event.

22 results found.