This is a visual index of all universal traits. Click a trait to view more info on it!
Fur Styling (Common)
Phantom Limb (Common)
Accessories (Common)
Enchanted Clothing (Common)
Injury (Common)
Magical Disability (Common)
Permababy (Common)
Leafy Ears (Shop)
Bell Ears (Event)
Devil Ears (Event)
Bat Wing Ears (Event)
Scrap Claws (Shop)
Devil Horns (Event)
Party Hat Horn (Event)
Shedding Horns (Event)
Sugar Rush Horns (Event)
Bramble Horns (Quest)
Vial horns (Quest)
Wooden Horns (Quest)
Leafy Tail (Shop)
Net Tail (Shop)
Bow Tail (Event)
Devil Tail (Event)
Pompom Tail (Event)
Sugar Rush Tail (Event)
Thorn Tail (Quest)
Tail Maw (Divine)
Dazed Eyes (Shop)
Bewitching Eyes (Event)
Devil Eyes (Event)
Sugar Rush Eyes (Event)
Beast Eyes (Event)
Proficiency Eye (Quest)
Artist's Eyes (Divine)
Blank Eyes (Divine)
Bleeding Eyes (Divine)
Fragmented Sight (Divine)
Sun Dog Eyes (Divine)
Wrathful Eyes (Divine)
Trickster's Fangs (Shop)
Devil Mouth (Event)
Sugar Rush Mouth (Event)
Beast Mouth (Event)
Paper Wings (Shop)
Trickster's Wing Trick (Shop)
Beast Wings (Event)
Beloved Wings (Event)
Branch Wings (Event)
Devil Wings (Event)
Cherub Wings (Event)
Manta Wings (Quest)
Flight of the Divine (Divine)
Terrarium (Shop)
Color Change (Shop)
Floral Growth (Shop)
Glowing Markings (Shop)
Iridescence (Shop)
Trickster's Whiskers (Shop)
Bristles (Event)
Ethereal Shackles (Event)
Half-and-Half (Event)
Heartbroken (Event)
Heartpierced (Event)
Icy Accents (Event)
Lovelaced Coat (Event)
Noel Glow (Event)
Piñata Body (Event)
Popup Body (Event)
Beast Body (Event)
Bewitching Body (Event)
Hallow Glow (Event)
Heart Nose (Event)
Stitched Body (Event)
Strange Texture (Event)
Sugar Rush Body (Event)
Transparent Body (Event)
Distorted Body (Quest)
Flowing Hair (Quest)
Furnace Vents (Quest)
Rune Marks (Quest)
Space Goo (Quest)
Plant Growth (Quest)
Proficiency Effect (Quest)
Stone Body (Quest)
Wick Hair (Quest)
Astral Arms (Divine)
Barkskin (Divine)
Bramble Thorns (Divine)
Celestial Body (Divine)
Corrupted Body (Divine)
Porcelain (Divine)
Wraith Face (Divine)
Frozen Thrall (Divine)
Rotted Body (Divine)
Silenced (Divine)
Aura: Befuddling (Shop)
Aura: Petals (Shop)
Aura: Sparkling (Shop)
Aura: Trickster's Smoke (Shop)
Aura: Trickster's Wisps (Shop)
Aura: Leafy Trail (Shop)
Aura: Astounding (Event)
Aura: Joyful (Event)
Aura: Bats (Event)
Aura: Hearts (Event)
Aura: Snowy Trail (Event)
Arcane Runes (Quest)
Proficiency Aura (Quest)
Aura: Fates Threads (Divine)
Aura: Lightbearer (Divine)
Aura: Strained (Divine)
Blooming Step (Shop)
Beast Magic (Event)
Bewitching Magic (Event)
Devil Magic (Event)
Sugar Rush Magic (Event)
Vampirism (Event)
Comet Trail (Quest)
Cosmic Rings (Quest)
Hot Step (Quest)
Invisible Mirth (Quest)
Light Trail (Quest)
Orbit (Quest)
Cryo Step (Quest)
Gravity (Quest)
Guiding Lights (Quest)
Hellfire Breath (Quest)
Proficiency Resist (Quest)
Blessed Power (Divine)
Cursed Power (Divine)