
Thanks to everyone at the Lorekeeper team for making this site possible, as well as these people:


Writing for certain pages and prompts.

Nilutopia, Toxous


Art assets for site art


Affiliate icon: Nuclearlolly


Layout and CSS

Default Theme background and header: Nuclearlolly

Core Extensions

These extensions were coded by the Lorekeeper community and are now a part of core Lorekeeper.

Admin Edit Buttons by Preimpression

Alias Logins by Moif

Bootstrap Tables by Preimpression

Character Items by itinerare

Comments by Preimpression & Ne-wt

Deactivate Account by Preimpression

Extended Mentions by Speedy

Extension Tracker by Preimpression (This page/the section below!)

Galleries by itinerare

Masterlist Sublists by Junijwi

MYO Item Tag by Junijwi

Pagination Page Selector by Speedy and Moif

Reports by Ne-wt

Separate Prompts by itinerare

Stacked Inventories by Draginraptor

Submission Addons by itinerare

Submission Drafts by Preimpression

User Transfer Reasons by Snupsplus

Aliases on Userpage by Speedy (Disabled)

Auto-populate New Image Traits by itinerare (Disabled)

Captcha (v3) by itinerare (Enabled)

Character Prev and Next by Speedy (Enabled)

Character Rewards by Preimpression (Enabled/Character Owner)

Character Status Badges by Junijwi (Enabled)

Character TH Profile Link by Junijwi (Enabled)

Collapsible Admin Sidebar by Newt (Enabled)

Design Update Voting by itinerare (Disabled)

Gravatar by Newt (Disabled)

Group Traits by Category by Preimpression (Enabled)

Item Entry Expansion by itinerare (Enabled/Enabled)

MYO Image Removal by itinerare (Disabled)

Navbar News Notif by Junijwi (Enabled)

Organised Traits Dropdown by Draginraptor (Enabled)

Scroll to Top by Preimpression (Enabled)

Show All Recent Submissions by Speedy (Enabled/Both/Front)

Species Trait Index by itinerare (Enabled)

Subtype Trait Index by Speedy (Enabled)

Staff Rewards by itinerare (Disabled)

Universal Trait Index by CH3RVB (Enabled)

User Character Minibadges by Speedy (Disabled)

Visual Trait Indexes Trait Modals by Moif (Disabled)

Watermarking by itinerare (Disabled)

Watermarking - Image Automation by Speedy (Disabled)

Watermark Resizing by Speedy (Disabled)/(Disabled)

Installed Extensions

These extensions have been added to this site.

Advent Calendars v. 1.0.1 by Mercury

Alternate Trait Types v. 1.1.1 by Mercury

Awards v. 1.3.0 by Uri, TGI

Batch Visibility v. 1.0.0 by Uri

Birthday Rewards v. 1.2.0 by CH3RVB, Moif

Books v. 1.0.0 by CH3RVB

Carousel v. 3.0.0 by Uri

Character Backgrounds v. 1.0.0 by Uri

Character Drops v. 1.0.1 by Mercury

Character Profile Custom Values v. 1.0.0 by Pure09

Character Skills v. 1.0.0 by Newt

Character Titles v. 1.1.2 by Mercury

Character Transformations v. 1.0.0 by CH3RVB, Newt

Choice Box Tag v. 1.0.0 by Mercury

Claymores and Companions v. 1.1.0 by Newt, Mercury, Uri

Crafting System v. 1.0.0 by Draginraptor, Uri, Newt

Dailies v. 2.0.0 by Cylunny

Deactivate Account v. 1.0.0 by Uri

Dev Logs v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Donation Shop v. 1.2.3 by Mercury

Elemental Typing v. 1.0.0 by Newt

Emotes v. 1.1.0 by CH3RVB

Encyclopedia Loot Tables v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Event Tools v. 1.1.0 by Mercury

Extension Tracker v. 1.4.0 by Uri

Forums v. 1.0.0 by Uri

Free MYOs v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Gift Art Notifications v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Levels %26 Stats v. 1.0.0 by Newt

LiveClock v. 1.0.4 by Speedy

Mini Clock v. 1.0.0 by Newt

Oekaki v. 1.0.0 by Newt, Nicholas Sherlock

Pets v. 1.2.0 by Newt

Prompt Form v. 1.0.0 by MarskyMessier, notecardPasta

Prompt Prerequisites v. 1.0.0 by Newt

Random Generator v. 1.0.0 by stokori

Random Spotlight v. 1.0.2 by Speedy

Safety Deposit Box v. 1.0.0 by Uri

Scavenger Hunts v. 1.0.2 by Mercury

Second Subtype v. 1.0.1 by Mercury

Sellable Characters v. 1.5.0 by Ne-wt

Shop Features v. 1.0.3 by Newt

Staff Team Page v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Status Effects v. 1.0.2 by Mercury

Supporters v. 1.0.0 by Newt

Theme Manager v. 2.0.0 by Uri, Cylunny, moif

Trade Listings v. 1.0.1 by Mercury

Trait Prompt Reward v. 1.0.0 by CH3RVB

User Borders v. 1.0.0 by CH3RVB, LostInProgres

User Pronouns v. 1.0.0 by AnimatedCritter

Wishlists v. 1.3.2 by Mercury

World Expansion v. 1.3.1 by Uri, Mercury