Prompt Categories


If you're new to this ARPG, or Lorekeeper ARPGs in general, then this is a good place to go to figure things out and learn how it all works!

Maintenance Prompts

Temporary name? A prompt area for prompts that don't reward anything, they are more of a simpler way to submit edits to minor things, etc.


These prompts may be subject to a time limit, which is detailed in each prompt.  Some of them may have a completion limit that's listed in the description!

Event prompts are not always available and will become available and change based on the current event(s) at the moment!


These prompts are subject to a time limit, which is detailed in each prompt.  Some of them may have a completion limit that's listed in the description!

Holiday prompts are not always available and will rotate in and out depending on the current holiday!


Turn in your quests here!

You can only complete these with a character that you own.

Species Specific

These are prompts exclusive to certain species! You can only complete them once per character. They are mainly intended as ways to explore your character’s personality and their relation to the world. They do not have a time limit.

You can only complete these with a character that you own.

Mini Quests

Read about mini quests here

You can only complete these with a character that you own.

11 results found.