
Created: 29 August 2022, 18:34:10 UTC
Last updated: 3 November 2023, 12:27:46 UTC


Prompts are the bread and butter of every ARPG. This page will detail everything you need to know about participating in prompts and submitting them for approval!

What is a prompt?

Prompts are simple or complex ideas with a theme to kick off your work! Completing prompts earns you Sparkles, which you can use to buy items, MYOs, and more! You earn just for participating, so what are you waiting for?

How can I participate in a prompt?

To participate in a prompt, please check HERE. A list of current prompts can be found there, along with their rewards and time limits! Some prompts won’t expire, and you don’t have to complete all of them (unless the prompt has a prerequisite.)

What can I create for a prompt?

Prompts can be created through art and writing. Minimum requirements for art and writing can be seen on each prompt, be sure to check, so you know what to aim for! You can still do extra for more rewards, though!

Who can I draw for a prompt?

Each prompt can be participated in by a character that you own, or that of another user. Please keep reading more below to see the guidelines for prompts with other users' characters! While you can include other characters or NPCs, and even do a prompt with someone else's character, you can’t complete prompts for others.

WHAT can I draw for a prompt?

You can draw a character in their canon form, as well as alternate forms, whether they’re canon or not. If you’re only good at people, quadrupeds, or anthros, just draw whatever you’re comfortable with! Or, if you want to switch between all of them, you can too!

Prompts themselves are intended to be very open. Just stick to the theme, but go wild otherwise, and let your creativity flow! We'd love to see what you make!

How do I submit a prompt?

To submit your prompt, you can either upload it offsite, or in the gallery onsite. Make sure to pick the right category!

When you’re ready to upload, visit the prompts list and click on "submit" under your prompt. Don't forget to click "show details" to see prompt requirements and descriptions!

Make sure to put a link to your submission, no matter what site it's on.

In the comments, you should put important information, such as bonuses being applied, items being used, or anything else, like a link to other prompts if it's required.

For most prompts, you should be good to submit at this stage, but some prompts will require links to characters in the submission.

Click "Add Character" to add a character to the submission. Enter in the code, it should be formatted like: CODE-000. If successful, you should see an icon of your character pop up!

If the prompt requires it, then you'll also be asked to add rewards under the "character rewards" section.

When everything is done, though, you should be set to submit!

Check Your Link!

Due to recent changes and a few different reasons related to this change, Discord image links are no longer feasible for prompt image links. Please link from websites such as, deviantart, imgur, or the onsite gallery.

Toyhouse Link Trouble

Please check your characters before submitting using If you link to a gallery submission of a character that is hidden in any way, then staff will not be able to view it and your submission will be rejected.

Can I submit multiple prompts at once?

Yes! You can have unlimited prompts pending/submitted at once. Please just submit them through multiple submissions.

What quality do prompts have to be?

Prompt submissions don’t have to be masterpieces. We expect a level of effort, though, so pure sketches won’t be accepted for prompt submissions. 

Writing prompts can be a bit more malleable, they don’t necessarily have to be whole narratives as long as they clearly tell what the characters are doing or would do, or clearly displays personality.

How can I participate with another user's character?

You can participate in a prompt with another user's character at any time, whether you own a character or not. The process for submission is similar to regular prompts, but please follow the guidelines below:
  • The character you are creating a prompt for must have gift art set to "yes" or "ask first", the same goes for writing.
  • You must have permission from the character's owner to include them in the prompt. When in doubt, ask about your idea before you start creating.
  • Only the person who did the prompt can get the prompt's rewards. The "reward" for the character's owner is the gift content they've been given from the prompt!
  • Prompts that give character-specific rewards (at this time) cannot be completed with characters from another user. These include:
    • Quests
    • Mini Quests
    • Other prompts that give character-specific rewards, such as awards, flairs, traits.
  • Prompts that give out items or companions can be joined, as these things aren't inherently tied to a character.
  • All prompt limitations still apply, such as per-user restrictions
    • Per-character prompts cannot be completed using another user's character.

View the prompt categories HERE


View all prompts HERE